The Federal Bureau of Investigation has seized the domain name pursuant to a court order. This website was involved in illegal activity, including, but not limited to: facilitating fraud, or selling counterfeit goods. The seizure of this domain is part of an ongoing investigation.
The seizure of this domain is authorized under the following laws:
18 U.S.C. § 981(a)(1)(A): granting the right for the United States Government to seize property involved in or used to facilitate certain crimes, including drug trafficking, money laundering, and fraud; in a section of the U.S. Code that permits civil forfeiture.
18 U.S.C. § 982(a)(1)(C): granting the right for the United States Government to seize property involved in or used to facilitate the infringement of intellectual property rights, in a section of the U.S. Code that permits criminal forfeiture.
A number of investigations have been initiated and are ongoing.